Seorang Kelana menghampiriku dan bertanya;
“di manakah aku berada saat ini?”
Jawabku; “engkau berada di ujung persimpangan; satu ke ‘tidak tahu’, satu ke ‘tidak mengerti’.”
“Beri tahu padaku di mana Kebahagiaan? Bertahun-tahun aku mencarinya, tak kutemukan.” Ia meraih tanganku, menatap penuh harap.
“Berjalanlah denganku, dan Kebahagiaan akan datang menghampiri.” Aku tersenyum, menggenggam erat jemarinya.
Perjalanan kami masih sangat panjang.
~ Not all who wander are lost.
Jakarta, 9 September 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-
Kamis, 23 Oktober 2014
Brush and Pen
Never put down your brush
For it is your hand to my heart
A touch of your wondrous soul to mine
Never put down your brush
As I won’t put down my pen
In defining the sweetness of our reminiscence
I’ll write, I’ll write, until it’s clear and bright
You’ll paint, you’ll paint, take away all of the pain
We are two lost souls who found each other again
In a solitary world of art, and hopes, and promises
~ dedicated to the object of my affection. you. cheers!
Jakarta, October 23rd, 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-
For it is your hand to my heart
A touch of your wondrous soul to mine
Never put down your brush
As I won’t put down my pen
In defining the sweetness of our reminiscence
I’ll write, I’ll write, until it’s clear and bright
You’ll paint, you’ll paint, take away all of the pain
We are two lost souls who found each other again
In a solitary world of art, and hopes, and promises
~ dedicated to the object of my affection. you. cheers!
Jakarta, October 23rd, 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-
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"Brush and Pen"
painting by Sjoerd D. Jorritsma
Rabu, 08 Oktober 2014
Cornelia Michele & Cynthia Rachel - Duet on Fallin' For You
Fallin' For You
I don't know but I think I maybe Fallin' for you Dropping so quickly
Maybe I should Keep this to myself
Waiting 'til I Know you better
I am trying Not to tell you
But I want to I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time Just thinking about ya
I don't know where to I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life And now I found ya
I don't know where to I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
As I'm standing here And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you And we start to dance
All around us I see nobody
Here in silence It's just you and me
I'm trying Not to tell you
But I want to I'm scared of what you'll say
So I'm hiding what I'm feeling
But I'm tired of Holding this inside my head
I've been spending all my time Just thinking about ya
I don't know where to I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life and now I found ya
I don't know where to I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you
Oh I just can't take it My heart is racing
The emotions keep spinning out
I've been spending all my time Just thinking about ya
I don't know where to I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life and now I found ya
I don't know where to I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you I think I'm fallin' for you
I can't stop thinking about it I want you all around me
And now I just can't hide it I think I'm fallin' for you (x2)
I'm fallin' for you
Ooohhh Oh no no
Oh I'm fallin' for you
Ode Buat Rindu
Rinduku berhamburan dari selip-selip ingatan
Ribu rasa membuncah meruah kenangan
Betapa ingin kurajah harap dan angan dalam genggaman
Kau tahu, kerap aku berharap punya nyali untuk berani
Menyanyikan puisi tentang waktu yang menggurat nadi
Andai mampu kutentang masa
Andai mampu kuurai kelindan lajunya
Tetapi aku residivis realita,
terperangkap dalam dunia maya
Mengais sisa-sisa mimpi,
satu-satu kukumpulkan puing hati
Dan di hadapanmu aku mendadak pemalu
Lidahku kelu, tergugu beku, tak mampu mengaku;
“Aku masih mencintaimu.”
~ jelang Sore, dan geletar Rindu di selip-selip ingatan
Jumat, 3 Oktober 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-
Ribu rasa membuncah meruah kenangan
Betapa ingin kurajah harap dan angan dalam genggaman
Kau tahu, kerap aku berharap punya nyali untuk berani
Menyanyikan puisi tentang waktu yang menggurat nadi
Andai mampu kutentang masa
Andai mampu kuurai kelindan lajunya
Tetapi aku residivis realita,
terperangkap dalam dunia maya
Mengais sisa-sisa mimpi,
satu-satu kukumpulkan puing hati
Dan di hadapanmu aku mendadak pemalu
Lidahku kelu, tergugu beku, tak mampu mengaku;
“Aku masih mencintaimu.”
~ jelang Sore, dan geletar Rindu di selip-selip ingatan
Jumat, 3 Oktober 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-

Senin, 15 September 2014
A Page
She stood
there in the dark
silence was
her only company;
breathe, let yourself breathe!”
she kept on
saying that to herself
slowly, she
began to collect pieces
of what
seemed to be her heart;
one, two,
three, piece by piece
she counted
all night
“How can I ever
mend this broken heart?” she asked herself
mixed emotions
rushed in, blocking her clear conscience
stumbled, failed her once again
she turned a
page, it was not the end
please,,, let it rain
so i can
wash it all away, with one good cry.”
it started
to rain. so hard.
September 15th,
Selasa, 13 Mei 2014
It is immensely spellbinding
The way your mind works; wildly!
And I feel like I can’t get enough of you
I want to, more and more,
Sail under the moonshaped eyes of yours
And consummate your perpetually intriguing thoughts.
If only I could eternize you in a tin can
So I can taste you from now to infinity and beyond.
~ to you. ah, you.
May 13th, 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-
The way your mind works; wildly!
And I feel like I can’t get enough of you
I want to, more and more,
Sail under the moonshaped eyes of yours
And consummate your perpetually intriguing thoughts.
If only I could eternize you in a tin can
So I can taste you from now to infinity and beyond.
~ to you. ah, you.
May 13th, 2014
-Anggi Prasasti-
Pukul Sebelas Pagi Tadi
Ia masih terlelap di sisi tempat tidur
Bergelung di balik selimut dan mendengkur
Aku berkali-kali mengusik tidurnya
Selimut kutarik, pinggang kugelitik
Ia mengerang, menggeliat, membuka sebelah mata
Kutepuk pipinya, pelan saja
Kubilang; Beb, bangunlah, jadi kan menraktirku makan Sushi?
Jawabnya; Lima menit lagi ya Nggi.
Pukul sebelas pagi tadi, ia memutuskan untuk tidur lagi.
***lalu bagaimana nasib perut keronconganku?
Bergelung di balik selimut dan mendengkur
Aku berkali-kali mengusik tidurnya
Selimut kutarik, pinggang kugelitik
Ia mengerang, menggeliat, membuka sebelah mata
Kutepuk pipinya, pelan saja
Kubilang; Beb, bangunlah, jadi kan menraktirku makan Sushi?
Jawabnya; Lima menit lagi ya Nggi.
Pukul sebelas pagi tadi, ia memutuskan untuk tidur lagi.
***lalu bagaimana nasib perut keronconganku?
Patal Senayan, di kamar kos seorang kawan
namanya..... Wulan :-P
namanya..... Wulan :-P
24 Desember 2013
-Anggi Pradesa-
-Anggi Pradesa-
My Top 5 Signature Themes' Result
I read this book "Now, Discover Your Strengths: How to Develop Your Talents and Those of the People You Manage" by Marcus Buckingham and Donald O. Clifton, then I took the test, and so here's the result of it. My five most dominant themes of talent, my top 5 Signature Themes. Each of them is a recurring pattern of thought, feeling, or behavior--the promise of a strength in me.
I totally agree with the result, for it amazingly shows me who I trully am. I recomend you to read this book and take the test as well to define your Signature Themes, in order to know or reveal your strengths. If you already have read the book and taken the test, please share your result with me and others here. Thanks for sharing, friends.
December 23rd, 2013
Anggi Pradesa
My Top 5 Signature Themes:
1. Context
You look back. You look back because that is where the answers lie. You look back to understand the present. From your vantage point the present is unstable, a confusing clamor of competing voices. It is only by casting your mind back to an earlier time, a time when the plans were being drawn up, that the present regains its stability. The earlier time was a simpler time. It was a time of blueprints. As you look back, you begin to see these blueprints emerge. You realize what the initial intentions were. These blueprints or intentions have since become so embellished that they are almost unrecognizable, but now this Context theme reveals them again. This understanding brings you confidence. No longer disoriented, you make better decisions because you sense the underlying structure. You become a better partner because you understand how your colleagues came to be who they are. And counterintuitively you become wiser about the future because you saw its seeds being sown in the past. Faced with new people and new situations, it will take you a little time to orient yourself, but you must give yourself this time. You must discipline yourself to ask the questions and allow the blueprints to emerge because no matter what the situation, if you haven’t seen the blueprints, you will have less confidence in your decisions.
2. Intellection
You like to think. You like mental activity. You like exercising the “muscles” of your brain, stretching them in multiple directions. This need for mental activity may be focused; for example, you may be trying to solve a problem or develop an idea or understand another person’s feelings. The exact focus will depend on your other strengths. On the other hand, this mental activity may very well lack focus. The theme of Intellection does not dictate what you are thinking about; it simply describes that you like to think. You are the kind of person who enjoys your time alone because it is your time for musing and reflection. You are introspective. In a sense you are your own best companion, as you pose yourself questions and try out answers on yourself to see how they sound. This introspection may lead you to a slight sense of discontent as you compare what you are actually doing with all the thoughts and ideas that your mind conceives. Or this introspection may tend toward more pragmatic matters such as the events of the day or a conversation that you plan to have later. Wherever it leads you, this mental hum is one of the constants of your life.
3. Connectedness
Things happen for a reason. You are sure of it. You are sure of it because in your soul you know that we are all connected. Yes, we are individuals, responsible for our own judgments and in possession of our own free will, but nonetheless we are part of something larger. Some may call it the collective unconscious. Others may label it spirit or life force. But whatever your word of choice, you gain confidence from knowing that we are not isolated from one another or from the earth and the life on it. This feeling of Connectedness implies certain responsibilities. If we are all part of a larger picture, then we must not harm others because we will be harming ourselves. We must not exploit because we will be exploiting ourselves. Your awareness of these responsibilities creates your value system. You are considerate, caring, and accepting. Certain of the unity of humankind, you are a bridge builder for people of different cultures. Sensitive to the invisible hand, you can give others comfort that there is a purpose beyond our humdrum lives. The exact articles of your faith will depend on your upbringing and your culture, but your faith is strong. It sustains you and your close friends in the face of life’s mysteries.
4. Input
You are inquisitive. You collect things. You might collect information—words, facts, books, and quotations—or you might collect tangible objects such as butterflies, baseball cards, porcelain dolls, or sepia photographs. Whatever you collect, you collect it because it interests you. And yours is the kind of mind that finds so many things interesting. The world is exciting precisely because of its infinite variety and complexity. If you read a great deal, it is not necessarily to refine your theories but, rather, to add more information to your archives. If you like to travel, it is because each new location offers novel artifacts and facts. These can be acquired and then stored away. Why are they worth storing? At the time of storing it is often hard to say exactly when or why you might need them, but who knows when they might become useful? With all those possible uses in mind, you really don’t feel comfortable throwing anything away. So you keep acquiring and compiling and filing stuff away. It’s interesting. It keeps your mind fresh. And perhaps one day some of it will prove valuable.
5. Learner
You love to learn. The subject matter that interests you most will be determined by your other themes and experiences, but whatever the subject, you will always be drawn to the process of learning. The process, more than the content or the result, is especially exciting for you. You are energized by the steady and deliberate journey from ignorance to competence. The thrill of the first few facts, the early efforts to recite or practice what you have learned, the growing confidence of a skill mastered—this is the process that entices you. Your excitement leads you to engage in adult learning experiences—yoga or piano lessons or graduate classes. It enables you to thrive in dynamic work environments where you are asked to take on short project assignments and are expected to learn a lot about the new subject matter in a short period of time and then move on to the next one. This Learner theme does not necessarily mean that you seek to become the subject matter expert, or that you are striving for the respect that accompanies a professional or academic credential. The outcome of the learning is less significant than the “getting there.”
PuisiMini 27112013
Perempuan itu menanti di hening gutasi
Ia menghela nafas berdosis melankoli
Pikirnya; Penjaga Langit pasti menyisakan seutas
untukku berkendara mengarungi kelindan galaksi
27 Nov 2013 di hening jelang pagi,,
menunggu hasil print banner dll di Benhil
-Anggi Prasasti-